I Don't Want Her to Be a Professional!

Here is another typical mistake – “Why should my child practice that much? I don’t want him/her to be a professional”.

Who told you that practicing 1-1.5 hours daily would be enough for becoming a professional? It takes a lot more than that. 🙂 For just thinking of becoming a professional pianist in the future, not only one should practice the instrument, playing scales and arpeggios along with 4-6 pieces, which already takes significantly more than an hour, but also s/he would have to devote some time to solfège and music appreciation.

Dealing with the piano for an hour or so a day would mean just a good chance to develop musical foundation, good taste, the ability to hear more nuances, the sense of musical form, and better understanding of the Western art music in general. All of those just make a well-rounded and accomplished human being. Eventually it even gives the student the clue to hidden proportions and mathematical beauty in every piece of art. That is a separate and very interesting topic, and I can’t cover it in this brief post.